Katie Shea Boutillier ON: Audio Rights, What Makes an Imperfect Character, and How Writers Can Define and Develop Their Voice
"If you don't know how to write characters that have problems and issues and you're actually not writing any human that's realistic, cause we're all at fault at some point, and you should always take that into consideration.” – Katie Shea Boutillier, Donald Maass Literary Agency
Abigail K. Perry sits down with Katie Shea Boutillier to discuss her manuscript wishlist and other publishing insights, like: the importance of audio rights and how, as Rights Director, she sells them for clients, when a book works better as YA or Adult, why Katie loves imperfect characters and big hooks (with examples), and how an author can define and develop their voice.
Katie especially loves coming-of-age fiction and contemporary realistic for adults and young adults. She shares several examples of books that model her tastes, all of which are linked below.
About Katie:
Katie Shea Boutillier has been a literary agent at the Donald Maass Literary Agency since 2011. In addition to advocating for her clients, she is the agency’s Rights Director handling translation, audio and selected film/TV rights.
Katie has a soft spot for coming-of-age fiction. She loves books that present big hooks, imperfect characters, and strong voices. Katie is committed to help achieve her clients’ long-term career goals. She lives in the Jersey suburbs with her family.
Katie was closed to queries from July 2021 to March 28, 2022—and she is now OPEN to queries! If you queried Katie during that time frame, it was deleted. Please make sure to re-query her!
Katie’s MSWL:
- Commercial Adult Fiction
- Young Adult Fiction
- Upmarket Women’s Fiction
- Psychological Suspense
- Speculative Fiction
- Horror
Special Interest In:
- Coming-of-age fiction with characters that have layers
- Contemporary Realistic
- Stories that make her cry at the end
- Modern stories with things happening today, with modern technology
- Big hooks, Imperfect characters, Distinct and strong voice
Find us on/at:
Twitter: @abigailkperry @AgentShea
Instagram: @abigailkperry @ksboutillier
Website: www.abigailkperry.com | http://maassagency.com/katie-shea/
Read the books discussed in this episode: